BardSong Schemma


    Hello; this is Travis, and I am exploring new ideas in the 'music industry'.  Below is an outline for a theater troupe I would like to lead into foreign lands to make friends and share music.  This group should be funded by patrons who approve of the music I have made in the past, who wish to support music I shall make in the future.


 Bardsong is a Way of Living.  It is a Hat of Duty.
Specifically to this project, Bardsong is myself, Travis, On Errand as a Bard.
Ideally, Bardsong is a troupe of people on errand as Bards,
living in a certain way and fulfilling certain duties.

To fulfill our natural inclinations while providing honest service to the world through music and art.

Folks who believe in us and folks whom we believe in.

General Rhythms of BardSong
    A council of respected community members will review the BardSong regularly to delineate funding.  The Council is separate from the Patrons, but the Patrons can be on the Council.
    Bardsong is funded by a group of Patrons who provide for the living and health necessities of the troupe.  The Council determines funding.  Money earned by the Bards on Errand goes to the charity of the Council.

    BardSong composes and arranges new and old pieces to be played acoustically for people.  Once an Adventure has been planned, the musicians work the pieces to the troupe's satisfaction.  They should always be acoustic, needing now outside source of power (electricity) to be sung.
    Music is the main focus of BardSong.  We believe that music has a healing and educational force that people are able to receive in a very old and sacred way.  We feel that there is something lost (or not communicated) in recorded and amplified music.  We greatly respect the ancient communion of MouthSound to HeadEars.

Code of Chivalry;
    Members on the BardSong shall abide by a code of chivalry in dealings with other humans.  This code focuses primarily on Respect, and includes such precepts as Honoring Elders, Listening to Children, and Respecting Women.

    BardSong will eat vegetables, fruit, and bread when available, preferring to eat local food from the region they are travelling in.  We will cook and share food, especially with those who are hungry or travelling.  We will drink water and refrain from unnecessary indulgences.
    BardSong will dress comfortably and simply in good travelling clothes, depending on the season and climate.  The council will regulate allowance funding for clothing.
    BardSong will carry good natural products for hygene and health, as well as good bedding and camping gear as needed.  We will travel as light as possible, storing only those accessories needed for good health.

    Bardsong will keep a good contact with folks back home, composing and communicating articles, stories, and songs in a regular fashion.  At the end of the adventure, the Bards will make a recording of the songs they created or learned during that adventure.  These records shall be made available for free to anyone interested in Bardsong.
    Bardsong will fill local positions in either community service or migrant work for a number of hours a month.  The type of service and time spent laboring shall be determined by the Council.  All earnings, monetary or otherwise, will be recorded by Bardsong and passed through the Council to the Charity.
    Bardsong will look after those in need of basic human peace-things: food and shelter, intervening with an allowance set aside for such discoveries.